Cuisine: Lebanese
This is the vegan / lenten version of Lebanese style Baba Ghanouj.
Yield: 250ml
Cooking time: @60min
You need: a gas flame, a colander and a bowl
- 2 eggplants (around 650g or +1 Lbs)
- 3 Tbsp tahini
- Juice of 2 lemons
- Juice of 1 bitter orange
- 2 garlic cloves, crushed and diced
- 2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 2 Tbsp flat parsley, chopped
- salt to taste
- First, we have to char (burn) the eggplants.
- Prick the eggplants with a fork or a knife to prevent them from…. blowing up.
- Turn them over the gas stove flame until they are charred all over. (*)
- Wait for them to cool off.
- Then peel them and put them in a colander.
- Push hard to strain them from their juice.
- While in the colander, cut the eggplant flesh with a sharp knife and then mash it with a fork or a wooden spoon. You will probably see more juice coming out of them.
- Squeeze a bit of lemon all over the pulp (so that it maintains its colour, among other things).
- Take a bowl, beat the tahini with the lemon juice. The mixture will stiffen at first but it will soften up in the process.
- Blend in the mashed eggplants, the garlic, the salt and the bitter orange juice.
- Beat vigorously and taste: if the mixture needs adjustments, this is the time to do it.
- Serve with a garnish of parsley and olive oil.
Notes on Vegan Eggplant and Tahini Dip – Baba Ghanouj
- (*) The alternative to step #3 is to pre-heat the oven to 240C/475F, put the eggplants on a sheet pan or oven tray and roast them for 45 to 60min, until the skins become very soft and wrinkled.