All posts filed under: editorials

Thoughtful opinions and ideas about food and other matters concerning our lives in more ways than one.

myfoodistry - traditional cooking and recipes from all over the World - featured posts - editorial

Deconstructing the Mediterranean diet – fiction: a critical review of a 40 year-old fallacy

Deconstructing the Mediterranean diet – fiction: a critical review on a 60 year-old fallacy. If the suggestion of an East China Sea Diet is unacceptable, how is the suggestion of a Mediterranean Diet reasonable?

myfoodistry - traditional cooking and recipes from all over the World - featured posts - editorial

Fat Fiction documentary: a review and a few thoughts

Fat Fiction swings from one dietery extreme (food-pyramid diet, low fat) to the other (Keto diet, full fat), without taking into account the middle dietary ground most of us live by.

myfoodistry - traditional cooking and recipes from all over the World - featured posts - editorial

Twenty Years in Ubud

And so began a journey and a journal. I became a window to Bali and my life here for myself and readers. It wasn’t supposed to be like this; Greenspeak was meant to be a column on the environment. But those endless deadlines soon pushed me out of that box, and I began to expand my mandate to include my immediate, personal environment – my garden, my dogs, my staff, my pond, my street.