All posts tagged: peppers

myfoodistry - traditional cooking and modern inspiration - chili peppers reduce mortality

Chili pepper reduces mortality risk?

Research by the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention of I.R.C.C.S. Neuromed in Pozzilli, Italy has allegedly shown that people who consume chilli pepper on a regular basis have a reduced mortality risk by 23 percent compared to those who do not.

Vegetable Stew with Potatoes, Eggplants, Zucchini and Peppers

Vegetable Stew with Potatoes, Eggplants, Zucchini and Peppers. A clean, nice vegetarian and vegan recipe for a Summer vegetable stew. Can be served hot, warm or at room temperature. Enjoy!

Chicken Stew with Green Peppers in the Pot

Chicken Stew with Green Peppers in the Pot is a chicken stew recipe from Greece’s mountainous Northwest. (Yes, Greece has mountains too.) Unlike other Greek recipes this one includes spices. This is a complete meal – there’s little need for sides, other than a slice of bread and perhaps some feta cheese (if you’re not kosher.) Enjoy!

Vegetables in the Oven

Vegetables in the Oven. This is a Greek summer classic recipe amounting to … throwing cut vegetables in a pan, sticking it in an oven and doing something else while the food is cooking. (Yes, that difficult. 🙂