The Longevity Film investigates the complex topic of ageing by documenting the longest lived, healthiest & happiest cultures from around the world.
Filmmaker Kale Brock (The Gut Movie, 2018) visits specific communities with significantly improved average life expectancies, remarkably low rates of disease and an extremely high quality of life well into the later years. Traveling to Okinawa (Japan), Loma Linda (California) and Ikaria (Greece) for a deep dive into longevity culture and what it really takes to get well and stay well, Brock delivers this transformational documentary with light hearted wit and a warm sense of relatability.
Featured expert commentary by Mark Hyman, MD, Nick Buettner from Blue Zones, Dr. Ross Walker, Dr. Craig Wilcox, Paul Chek, Daniel Vitalis, Dr. Damian Kristof & more. The film is 100% independent and self funded.
Directed by Kale Brock
Official website, here.