Dutch Green Split Pea Soup
This is Green Split Pea Soup, Erwtensoep, is a Dutch winter classic and traditional recipe that offers enough strength to keep us going.
This is Green Split Pea Soup, Erwtensoep, is a Dutch winter classic and traditional recipe that offers enough strength to keep us going.
Dutch Endive Stew with Mashed Potatoes – a winter classic. Do note that there’s no need for dairy with Dutch potatoes because they are creamy by nature. The idea here is that the vegetables release enough juices to make the potatoes moist enough.
Italian Baked Beans with Tomatoes and Ham or Bacon – a hearty, winter day’s recipe for beans and meat. It actually tastes better the next day.
Lentil Stew with Swiss Chard and Lemon. A well known traditional Winter stew (or thick soup) from Lebanon.
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